START SEEING is a college-focused Panel Talk designed to shed light on Intimate Partner Violence and its warning signs, with expert tips on when to intervene and how to date safely.
Inclusive, meaningful and honest AF, this 90-minute program leverages anonymous live-polling technology to help our panel of Pro’s provide a community with the information they uniquely need.
Written and Moderated by our Cofounders • Audience Engagement by Brianna Stringfield • Audio Engineering by SoundsPowerful
Pilot Presentation | MAY 2019 | University of St. Thomas
Alison Canty - Supervisor, Women’s Advocates
Dottie Conroy - Detective, MN Monitoring
Mark Gemmell - Psychologist, PsyD, LP
Hlee Vang - Public Defender
With an introduction from UST student, Brianna Stringfield • Recorded by SoundsPowerful
We’re going on tour
Interested in bringing The Beatles of IPV Awareness to your school? Please fill out this form and our, um, Tour Manager, will get back to you shortly.
FAB FOUR: Amy, Katey, Brianna, Nina
And Now She Rises
P.O. Box 8095, Saint Paul, MN 55108